

Common Purchase Questions

Where are you based?

Our warehouse is in Melbourne, Australia. Most of our products are shipped from this warehouse to customers in their respective locations. As we are based locally, you don't have to worry about long shipping times and our customer support is based here in Australia too. Please note that some products are shipped from our international partners, and these products will have a notice at the bottom of their respective pages to make you aware of this.

How long does shipping take?

Normally, shipping takes between 3-7 business days for our locally shipped products. Products shipped from our international partners can take between 13-20 business days and a notice on the product page will advise you if the product is an international product or a local product.

What is your return/refund policy?

If you'd like to learn more about our return/refunds policy, please head over to our our Warranty & Returns page.

Have other questions?

If you still need help, whether it be with questions about products or issues with your order, please use the form below to make your enquiry. One of our friendly sales representatives will get back to your as quickly as they can.